Fuel Flushing And Servicing On Your Diesel Truck

diesel off road truck

The fuel system is an integral aspect of any combustion engine, but it’s particularly important on diesel trucks. Your Ford, Dodge, or Chevrolet pickup requires a perfectly functioning fuel system, devoid of buildup, leaks, and debris, to provide you with the most powerful and efficient engine performance possible. At Truck n Spring in Madisonville, we understand that fuel system flushing is an essential process in maintaining a properly functioning engine.

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Is It Time To Replace Your Thermostat On Your Diesel Truck?

Thermostat for a diesel truck

You trust your diesel to get you to point A to point B every time you get into your truck. However in return, if your truck starts to act differently take the time to pause and listen to what your truck is trying to tell you. Issues can be as small as a thermostat going out, which if fixed now could reduce a more expensive repair down the road! The thermostat in your truck is a small, simple, and critical component. At Truck n Spring in Madisonville, thermostat replacements are just one of many repairs we tackle.

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What is a Catalytic Converter?

catalytic converter

The catalytic converter is an essential piece of equipment on any modern vehicle. At Truck n Spring in Madisonville, KY, our team of professional technicians are able to diagnose and repair any catalytic converter issues your Chevrolet, Dodge, or Ford diesel pickup may be experiencing.

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Minimizing Breakdowns Within Your Fleet

Man checking tablet with fleet stats.

At Truck n Spring in Madisonville, we know how important it is that your fleet benefits you as much as possible. One of the easiest ways to ensure this is by minimizing breakdowns. Breakdowns are expensive, time-consuming, and throw a wrench into operations; and as anyone who operates a fleet knows, time and efficiency are the most important factors in getting the most out of your fleet. Here are some tips on minimizing breakdowns in your fleet, from Truck n Spring in Madisonville, KY.

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